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Register for Freezefest 5K Benefitting Boys and Girls Club of Cedar Rapids - Job: Water Stop

Water Stop

Description: Fill and distributes cups of water to participants.
Start: 11:00 AM, 2/15/2025
End:  12:00 PM, 2/15/2025
City: N/A
State: N/A
Minimum Age Required:

Please complete the registration form below to be considered as a volunteer for this event. You will receive a confirmation email if you are assigned as a volunteer.

Registration Information

Please enter your information into the fields below. Required fields are marked with *.

Alternate Job Preferences

Registration Waiver

I hereby release the Freezefest 5k Race, Corridor Running, Linn County Parks, all volunteers and sponsors from the responsibility for any illness or injury, which may be sustained while I am participating in the 5K event. By signing below, I am signifying that I am in proper physical condition to participate in this event. I hereby give my consent to authorized medical personnel of Corridor Running to provide such medical care as is deemed necessary by such personnel. I release the rights to any and all photographic material and video collected by the race committee and it may be used without financial obligation to me. I hereby affirm that I am 18 years of age or older. I have read this waiver, and understand its contents. (Parent or guardian must sign if participant is under age 18).


Please Sign Below

Your electronic signature is the online equivalent of your ink-on-paper signature, and can be provided by typing your name where indicated. The electronic signature will signify your understanding, acceptance, and authorization to accept the conditions of this legal document, including the following statements:

  • I have read, have understood, and do accept the agreement above.
  • I understand that this is a legal document with effects that I approve and authorize.
  • The registrant is the person(s) whose name is submitted as the recipient of the goods and services provided as a result of this transaction.
  • I am authorized to agree to the terms of this document on behalf of the registrant.
  • If the registrant is under 18 years of age, incapacitated, or mentally challenged, I assert that I am the parent/legal guardian or otherwise authorized to execute a legally binding agreement on behalf of the registrant.

You are encouraged to keep a copy of this agreement for your records. This agreement was generated at 5:52:27 PM EST on 2/13/2025.
Click here to print the agreement.

  • When this page loaded, the official time was 5:52:27 PM EST.